Apollon Temple Side (Click on the photo)
| TripsSide65 km east of Antalya and about 4 km from Manvgat - there is the peninsula of the ancient City of Side. With a lot of antique places, big plantations (cotton, lemons, oranges etc.).The history of Side reaches back to 4.000 B.C.
![]() Side has long and beautiful beaches, but visit also the antique sights like the harbour, Apollon-Temple, the very old theatre, the Side museeum, the bath of Cleopatra etc. etc. Or join culture with romantic. Arround Apollon-Temple are various bars with nice cocktails. Take place in one of the pubs with a direct view to the sea. Hearing the roar of the waves in the moonlight ... Yes, that's romantic pure - not only for young people in love!!
Some more hints for evening entertainment will You find HERE.