
(Click for a bigger photo)
Pinarli is a village next to Antalya.
Distance to Antalya City 10 km, to the airport 4 km, to the beaches 5 km,
to the golf courts of Belek 20 km, to the big new golf court in Kundu 6 km
(the golf court in Kundu is not completely ready, they will finish the
developping in 2005 - then it will be the 2nd biggest golf court of the
The house belongs to a German/Turkish couple.
It is completely renovated (nice corniss at the ceilings).
Aprrox. 240 m² net, with 5 bedrooms, 1 living-room, 1 big kitchen, 2
bathrooms, 1 guest-toilet, open fire place in the living-room, 1 terrace
and 1 roof-terrace.
The house is a semidetached one and located in a housing
complex with 20 units, garden and common pool.
Price: from 129.000 € -